-- Dr. Sumeet Anand Pandey--
Saturday, may 18th--
Workshop: 11-14 h/ Concert: 20 h --
Dhrupad, a centuries-old extant style of classical music in North India, draws from ancient Vedic and yogic traditions. The practice is based on Naad or musical sound production using vowels derived from Sanskrit shloka. Guided regular practice of Alankar (note patterns in scale) using various vowels helps develop mind-body synchronization. Breathing and body techniques can be helpful in unlocking, aligning, and harnessing the energy of the chakras.
The workshop includes breathing exercises for control, depth, and expanse for singing Alaap (abstract melodic development governed by a framework) in time-appropriate Raag (melodic scale) over the drone of Tanpura, an ancient instrument with only 4 strings. It also involves rhythm and polyrhythm practice of clap-counting Taal (time interval) with accents in a cyclical manner to build muscle memory. Eventually, composition (traditional text in Sanskrit, often an ode to gods/goddesses composed in a raag and taal) is sung to put the practice of fundamental techniques to application in exploring and expressing this beautiful music style full of meditative and tranquil effects.
Suitable for participants aged 15 and above, both musicians and non-musicians, with or without any prior knowledge of Dhrupad. No musical instruments are required to be brought by participants.CONCIERTO
El recital se abre con un Ālap - el despliegue sistemático de un raag (un marco melódico) cantado sobre el instrumento Tanpura, donde las notas musicales se pronuncian a través de vocales derivadas del canto sánscrito "Hari Om Anant Narayan". Las composiciones, principalmente en sánscrito, se cantan hacia la última mitad del concierto con el acompañamiento taal (marco rítmico) proporcionado por el Pakhawaj (antiguo tambor indio con forma de barril).
Predominantemente devocionales, espirituales y meditativos, muchos de los textos tratan de los valores humanos, la filosofía de la vida, la naturaleza y el yoga. El recital culmina con upaj (improvisación), donde los artistas entablan conversaciones musicales espontáneas alejándose de la estructura fija de la composición e improvisando melódica, rítmica y emocionalmente.
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